Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 100

Episode 100 of the marketing life podcast. Um, this episode is going to be all about some of my online marketing takeaways. It also could be tied into business and so on and so forth. So this would be a little bit different episode, but it’s kind of a benchmark with this podcast. It’s crazy scene. How many episodes I’ve actually already done. So episode 100. This is just some of my takeaways. You’re getting real with you guys. So let’s not waste any more time guys. Dive right in.

Online Marketing Is Challenging!

So the first takeaway I want to talk about with you guys is online marketing is challenging. Um, it’s one of those things that you’re continuing, like you’re always trying to learn and always trying to produce results. It’s a never ending process of producing results cause that’s what the end goal is. That’s what the client wants. And it can be very challenging.

You Can’t Control Everything

Um, one of the most challenging things about it in my opinion is you can’t control everything. So as an online marketer, we can control the web presence. We can, we can control the cost per lead. We can control the, the, the actual results coming in, but we can’t control the fulfillment side of things.

So yeah, we might all of a sudden be crushing it, getting amazingly leads and amazing cells coming in, but the client doesn’t fulfill. And so at the end of the day, like, we’re going to be in trouble in the end because, or lose our client or whatever because they can’t fulfill and they can’t follow up with those leads. So that’s another problem, you know, fulfillment.

How Did They Take Care Of Their Leads?

Um, the other side of it is how did they take care of the leads when they come in? You know, we can help set up a nurturing process, but at the end of the day, you know, they have to figure out how to fully sell them. Their product needs to sell itself as well. So there’s a, there’s definitely a challenge there when it comes to online marketing.

Is Our Client Producing Content?

Um, the other challenge, you know, things we can’t control as well is, is our client producing content? Are they creating content for their own brand and their own image and things like that. Sometimes clients I’ve worked with clients before were they just wanting you to produce results, but they’re not willing to put in in any effort. And at the end of the day, again, we can’t, like we can’t fix that problem. We can’t fix their willpower and their drive.

So that’s the truth, you know about online marketing is, is it is challenging. So those are some of the things I want to talk about with the all my marketing being challenging.

Take Care Of Yourself

Uh, the second thing I actually want to talk about is just taking care of yourself. Um, so with all my marketing and running your business and types of things like that, a lot of times we can get so caught up in the results. Um, we can get so caught up in generating that lead and wanting to constantly check to see if our, if we’re actually getting cells coming in and, um, a lot of times we can, you know, get caught up in it.

So at the end of the day, what we have to be doing is taking care of yourself. You know, there’s a wide variety of things I’m talking about here with taking care of yourself that might be physical, that BI might be mental, emotional, you know, making sure you take care of your relationships with your family, your friends, your husband or wife, whatever you do there.

But you gotta take care of yourself at the end of the day. And so that also comes back to talking about, you know, maintaining clients as well as you know, you need to take care of yourself as well. So you know, if, if relationships with clients are unhealthy, then potentially you might need to cut ties and go find someone else to work with and different client. Um, because at the end of the day, like if you’re not fully satisfied working with that client, you won’t be able to produce the results that they want as well. So just guys take care of yourself. Um, I hope you guys can learn from that. Um, learn from that experience as well and just make sure you’re taking care of yourself.

Business Is High Risk, High Reward

The third thing I want to talk about is just business is high risk, high reward. So a lot of times, um, I have friends, you know, they’ll work nine to fives and I personally don’t, you know, I’m online marketing, I’m always grinding.

I’m always, I’m an entrepreneur, you know, and so I’m always thinking about the next thing. Um, but something that I’ve always thought about was like, what would life be like in a nine to five? Like what would that look like? And so I kind of like thought about this for a while. Like what would it be like working nine to five, like an a job? And I thought about it and I’m like, I look at the nine to five in my opinion, and it’s low risk, low reward.

And what do I mean by that is a lot of times in a nine to five job, there’s only so many, there’s only so many things that you can do in the company and only so much you can grow. Like I kind of have this belief system now that it’s like if you want to make $50,000 a year, you can go work about anywhere.

Um, inL a semi decent sized company, you can make $50,000 if you want to make $75,000 you can go out and you can work your way up through a company and again you can make $75,000. Now if you want to make $100,000, you’re going to have to go become a doctor or you’re going to have to be inside of a cells based role making cells for companies.

You Have To Work To Have Your Own Business

And if you want to make a little bit more than that, like one 25 you’re going to have to be like the top salesman inside of that company or you’re going to have to like really work your way up. But the truth is, in my opinion, if you want to make seven figures, if you want to make $1 million a year, you’re going to have to grind and you’re going to have to own your own business. I have a hard time believing that inside of a company you can make millions of dollars.

Now maybe at some point, yeah, you could hit that. But the fastest way you can do that is owning your own business. Now in nine to five, a lot of times the risk of getting fired is very low. Now being your own business owner and working with companies being freelance and things like that, but it’s a high risk, potentially your clients could walk away from you at any point if they wanted to.


Um, even if you have contracts in place and things like that, yes, in my opinion it’s high risk. But on the flip side, it’s high reward, you know, so you can go out there and charge your clients 1500 to 2,500 bucks a month and you can manage three to maybe 10 of those. Who knows? You would have to build out a system, right? But if you can go out there and get 10 clients and charge them $3,000 a month and have a couple employees underneath ya, you’re gonna be making pretty good money. But again, it’s high risk, high reward, because again, those clients can walk away from you at any point.

So that’s just kind of some of the takeaways that I’ve had recently with, with online marketing and business as a whole, you know, online marketing. It’s a challenge. Um, and really guys take care of yourselves and remember that business is high risk, high reward. Um, so if you really want to make a lot of money in life, in my opinion, you’ve got to own your own business.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 100

So guys, thanks for listening to episode 100. Like I said, guys, this episode is a little bit different. Um, but I’m very humbled to be at episode 100. Like it’s a, it’s a grind, it’s a blind to create content. Um, but it is also very rewarding as well. Um, you know, looking back and going, dang, like I really put out a lot of content when it comes to this podcast and you guys would be the huge favor.

Share this with your, um, also leave me a review on the podcast. That would be awesome. That would help me out and obviously helped me keep pushing this thing and keep growing. So again guys, thanks for listening. Last but not least, go over and check out my marketing master course where I’ll teach you guys my entire process when it comes online marketing and how you guys can generate more leads for you, for your clients as well. Thanks guys for listening and peace.

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