Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 113

Episode one 13 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host today. Guys, we’re gonna be doing clicks funnels versus WordPress. So while back I did an episode comparing Shopify as well and all those different things, but I’ve been working a lot with WordPress and click funnels lately. So I kind of want to break down the pros and cons when I would use click funnels, when I would use WordPress. And that’s what we’re going to kind of go over today. So let’s not waste any more time guys and dive right now.

Click Funnels

So guys, let’s start off with the old ClickFunnels, Mr. Russell Brunson. Obviously ClickFunnels is one of those tools that people are absolutely loving. People love click funnels, people breathe click funnels, they eat it up. And I’m kind of in the middle with ClickFunnels to be honest.


So let’s talk about some pros here. Click funnels.

1. User Friendly

Obviously it’s super user friendly, like I could sit down and show someone click funnels and they’re going to understand it and like pretty quickly if they’re computer literate. So it’s very user friendly.

2. Easy Set Up

Um, it’s really easy setting up funnels. Like literally the process is built out for you. This is your opt in page. This is your sales page. Literally walks you right through it.

3. Integrate Anything

The next thing is like really easy integration. You can integrate with just about anything with ClickFunnels.

4. Easy Sale Process

Um, so as far as integration goes, super amazing, easy sells process. Like, so setting up like a cart system right is super easy and inside of inside of ClickFunnels and it’s got like great tools like inside of click funnels that you can use again to build out these processes.

5. Good Tool

So all in all like click funnels, like in my opinion, it’s a good tool and that’s the key right there where I just said it’s a good tool.


So let’s talk about some of the cons.

1. Tracking Doesn’t Work Properly

In my opinion tracking, I don’t know why I’m still messing with it, but for some reason I feel like my tracking just doesn’t work properly and ClickFunnels and when I use WordPress it seems like it’s just like everything always works. It’s very clean. Um, as far as that goes. So in my opinion, like tracking hasn’t been the best. Like yes, I know I can paste my codes in the header and then there’s this place over here where you can paste your code in the page, but I don’t know why. I just think something’s kind of clunky. Something’s going on with my tracking with ClickFunnels.

2. Still in Development

Second thing, it’s still in development. So I was messing with ClickFunnels and I integrated to active campaign and my lists weren’t popping up and they were like, Oh sorry. That was a problem on our end when when customer support got back to me. So the thing is the is that it is still in development, like there’s still things that they’re developing inside of click funnels to make sure it’s always working and functioning. So that is the absolute truth. It’s still in development. Yes, a lot of software is in development, but I still feel like there’s still some clunky things going on with the development.

3. Customer Support

The third thing is customer support. Now, customer support for ClickFunnels, in my opinion, is awful. Now I’m not trying to degrade ClickFunnels. I’m not trying to degrade Russell Brunson. I’ve read all of his books, like I’ve learned a lot from this man, but their customer support is honestly horrendous. They take forever to respond. It’s back and forth forever. Customer support for ClickFunnels, no bueno.

4. The Online School Set Up

The fourth thing is the online school setup. So if you’re running and making online schools, in my opinion, I would not use ClickFunnels to build my school out. I wouldn’t build my school out on ClickFunnels. The reason why is just the process of how it’s set up. I don’t like it. Um, I think there’s better tools out there for it, such as teachable or Kajabi. I’d probably recommend those if you’re building out a school. I just think it’s a lot smoother system as far as that goes.

Why Would I Would Use Click Funnels?

So the one thing I want you guys to understand how I look at ClickFunnels and where I’m sold on ClickFunnels is it’s a tool. So I would not build out my entire website on a click funnels account that has my homepage, my about page, my contact page, and so on and so forth. I would use click funnels for a landing page builder and I would drive my paid traffic to a click funnel if I’m trying to use funnels to upsell people.

The other thing with click funnels that I would not use it for is just strictly lead generation and that is my own opinion. I’ll explain why later. But ClickFunnels, like if you’re just trying to get name, email, phone number from people all the time, I would, I personally wouldn’t use click funnels. Now if you’re trying to sell products and services like that through your funnels, then yes, I would use click funnels.


So let’s talk about WordPress. Obviously I’m a WordPress fan. Um, some people will bash WordPress, but in my opinion with WordPress, you just have to get a good theme that works for you and the look and feel you’re looking for and realize it’s not about how your site looks.

It looks, it’s all about how your site converts. So for me, my WordPress layouts, the theme I use, it actually always outperforms click funnels. So this is why I’m going to go back to this. My WordPress, I was running ads for word to a WordPress landing page, and I was running ads to a ClickFunnels landing page and my word press landing page outbeat my ClickFunnels, I was getting leads at 81 cents on the click funnels and I was getting leads at 47 cents on the WordPress, and that’s collecting name, email, and phone number. So, and they’re basically, I set them up almost exactly the same. So that’s just my experience. If you’re just doing leads, that’s why I say use WordPress.


1. Website

So the pros to WordPress is it’s a website like WordPress is a website. It’s a longterm play. If you’re looking to run your business for a long time, in my opinion, if you’re running click funnels, it’s kind of a short term game. It’s a, it’s a tool. Like I said, it’s a landing page builder tool. That’s the only time I personally would use ClickFunnels. Now, I know there’s people out there that have made millions of dollars doing this with ClickFunnels, but if it was my business, I would build my side out on WordPress. It’s a website. It ranks good for SEO. If you’re looking for the longterm game.

2. WordPress Always Works

Second thing, it always works. Now, like I said, when I say it always works, it’s the service. It’s the hosting I use. It’s the theme I use, like it’s the tools I use. I have not had any problems with this stuff. Now when someone goes in and custom codes your WordPress website, which is one of the cons, it will break. WordPress will break. I’ll just say it out there. Don’t custom code your WordPress website and your themes. It’s just going to cause problems in the long run.

3. Proven Success

So like I said, for me one of the pros is always works and number three, it’s a proven process. So the process that I found as far as building the landing pages and integrating certain things, it’s a proven process that works. It gets leads, it gets sells, it helps companies scale. And so for me, that’s where I’m biased when it comes to WordPress. It’s my process that I’m bias about. Now if someone’s like, build your WordPress website with a theme and code it, I’ll say, use click funnels instead, hands down and use click funnels.


So the next thing I want to talk about is the cons with WordPress.

1. Do not use for eCommerce Stores

Now if you are trying to set up a shop store, I’m buying shirts, t-shirts, et cetera. In all honesty, like from my experience, I don’t know from, I don’t think I would use a woo commerce is which you have to use for WordPress.

2. Do Not Custom Code

I don’t think I would use WordPress if I’m looking to build out some sort of shop like that where it’s like tee shirts, hats, clothes, laundry, whatever it is. I personally would not use WordPress for that.

When Would I Use WordPress?

Um, so I would use WordPress for a business looking to generate leads only leads and then they maybe follow up via call or schedule an appointment or so on and so forth. That’s when I would use WordPress. I’d use ClickFunnels if I’m looking to sell like my service. But like I said, it would be a sub website of my actual website.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 113

So that was a long drawn out podcast. It’s kind of took a little bit, but that’s episode one 13. Like I said, both these things are amazing. Um, it’s all about what do you like? Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Toyota. What tool works for you? And for me personally, that is the process that works.

Have your website built out on WordPress, and then you’re looking, want to try and upsell funnels and things like that. Then maybe look at getting ClickFunnels and use it as like a sub website. It’s a tool. Like I said, click funnels is a tool. Website is a platform. So thanks guys for listening to this episode. Episode one 30.

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