Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 115

Episode one 15 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor, Timothy guys, your host. And today guys, we’re gonna be talking about how to follow up with leads. So this is how I recommend that you follow up with it’s coming into funnels, how your sales guys follow up. It is a battle. Let me tell you. So this is the process that I would actually recommend on phone.

How to Follow up with Leads

So lead comes in, he fills out his name, email, and phone number.

1. Call your lead within 30 seconds

You better be calling that guy within the first 30 seconds. If he doesn’t answer, then guess what you do next?

2. Text your lead

This is step two. You text him and then 30 minutes later, guess what you do.

3. Call your lead in 30 minutes

You call him and then guess what you do. If he doesn’t answer, you text him. You have to be super aggressive with these leads when they come in.

My Example: Looking into New Businesses

Think about it this way. So recently I was looking for a massage and I was looking for a new person to give me a massage. So what did I do? I said, massage therapist near me. I had a list of massage therapist come up. I looked at their reviews and then what I do, I press the call button and I called, I let her ring, ring, ring, went to voicemail, hung up, never got a call back from that person.

Nor did I book my appointment with that person. So my point to this story, obviously this is just my experience, but the thing is if someone fills out the information they want service and if you call them within the first 30 seconds, think about the trust that you just built with that person. That person is now going, Holy cow, I just fill out a form to request for information. This person is going to take care of me.

So that’s what I recommend with following up with your leads as far as your sales guys go, if there, if you guys are doing, if you’re reaching out to them immediately with quotes and things like that, so call, text, call, text and probably call texts like 10 more times throughout the week.

Email Sequence

Once they stopped doing that, then what you’re going to do is you’re going to take them and you’re going to put them into an email sequence.

1. Give them what they asked for

So the first email you’re going to send off to them immediately, it’s going to be what they ask for. So if you gave them a free offer, like a free quote or something, maybe it’s an email saying, Hey, we’ll be reaching out to you shortly with this information that you’re looking for. Or if it’s a guide or a PDF or something, then immediately they’re getting their guide or their PDF.

2. Sell to Them

Then what I recommend doing is a couple of days later, you send them an email that talks about selling them like your hard core, selling them, like trying to just sell them with testimonials and like we’re the best, and schedule your appointment or buy this right now. Hardcore selling.

3. Fire Hose of Selling Emails

You’re going to sell them and then you’re gonna send another email a couple days later, that’s another cell and another email a couple days later, that’s another cell and another email a couple of days later, that’s another cell. So you’re going to like fire hose them with cells, emails.

What happens if someone opts out?

Now some people might say, well Taylor, what if he opts out? Well then guess what? He wasn’t interested in your product. That’s how I look at it. So if people are opting out of your list, then potentially how I look at it is like, well at least you’re not paying for them to be in your CRM anymore because CRM is can get expensive. When did you get really big lists? So that’s how I look at it. Um, or they’re, or they’re not interested.

Infinity Sequence

Then following that, what you’re gonna do is you’re going to send them off into the infinity sequence is what I call it.

1. Educate Them

So we’re going to stop selling them for a little bit and we’re going to educate them. So we’re going to educate them about why we’re the best and how and how we can help them and giving them tips and tricks on how to overcome stress or their problems. And you’re going to send four of those emails in a period of a week apart. So in a whole month you’re just going to send them like cool content and educate them about just that you guys are experts in what you do.

2. Sell Them Again

And then what you’re going to do is email number five. You’re going to hit them again with a cell and you’re gonna to try and sell them again, an email five and then you’re actually going to repeat that sequence and go educate, educate, educate, and then sell them again. And you are going to build this sequence out for ever as long as you can.

Like that’s like your monthly to do is to create content for these email sequences. Then you can take that content, you can post it on social media and so on and so forth. So you’re going to educate, educate, educate, sell. And like I said, this email sequence is going to last forever, not just a month, but forever. As long as you are running this business, you’re going to keep adding emails to it.

Do not date emails

So some tips and tricks there. What I, what I recommend is not dating your emails. So in the, in this infinity sequence, now what I mean by that is saying in 2002 we offered this service or Christmas or labor day, those types of things. You save those for campaigns. Just one email blast to your lists. So don’t date your infinity sequence emails.

So that’s what I recommend guys that you do, um, to follow up with your leads. Uh, there’s a lot of noise out there when it comes to online marketing. A lot of noise about people buy this, people buy that, but people buy people and the more aggressive you are showing that you’re actually going to take care of them, the more likely they’re going to buy as well. So that’s what I recommend guys as far as following up with your leads. And this is episode one.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 115

Thanks guys for listening to episode one 15. If you guys have any questions or any other strategies on how to follow up through leads, feel free to reach out to me. Uh, we will shortly have a guest on this podcast and they’re going to share, they actually specialize in following up with their leads and that’s all they do. They specialize in following up. So you guys will hear that shortly from us. And other than that, guys, hopefully you have a great day. And peace.

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