Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 119

Episode one 19 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today, guys, I just want to share with you a simple SEO strategy for all you podcasters out there, or if you have a podcast, this simple SEO strategy. So let’s always send me more time guys and dive right in.

Introduction to the Simple SEO Strategy

So guys, you’re gonna hear some clicking in the background. I just want to pull up my website so I can kind of walk you guys through this. So over on Taylor,, I built my side out on WordPress and this is what’s been helping my SEO grow for my business.

So the hard part is what you guys have to know about my business is it’s very competitive. As far as online marketing goes and trying to rank for Facebook ad marketer and things like that. It’s almost ridiculous just because there’s so many online marketers out there. So I found that this simple SEO strategy has just helped drive more traffic to my website. And I’ve been doing this for almost a year now, so I kind of have some data to prove it. So this is my simple SEO strategy for you tubers and for podcasters expecially, if you don’t like to write, I don’t like writing.

1. Edit Podcasts

So this is what I do. So first things first when I, when I release my podcasts and when I do my YouTube videos, what do I do? So obviously I edit them. It takes a little bit of time. And then what I do, that’s helping me more than anything is I’m posting them to my website.

2. Post Podcast to Website

Now, what am I doing? When I post them to my website, I’m giving them a thumbnail. I’m adding my hyperlink to my host for my podcast. So my mind, like I said, I use Buzzsprout and then I’m copying and pasting the entire episode to my blog.

3. Transcribe your Podcasts

Now I’m getting them transcribed. I’m not writing these. All I’m doing is I’m transcribing them.

4. Add Headings to Transcriptions

And then I’m going back through and putting headlines inside of my blog posts. So like H tags, H two tags, each three tags going through and tagging them.

5. Post YouTube Videos Inside of Blog

And then what I’m doing is I’m taking my YouTube videos and I am posting them inside of my, my blog as well. Now, if you want to get really nitpicky, you could do your episode and you could do your YouTube video on different things, but I’m just posting them all onto one page onto one post, all the videos and all of the things.

Data with Search Engine Optimization

Now I want to give you guys a little data here. So I’m going to go to my you’re going to hear me typing in the background. I’m going to go to webmaster tools where I have my sights set and connected to Google. So I can just kind of share some data with you.

So I believe in SEO, but I don’t push SEO a ton, especially in my business, but just to kind of give you guys an understanding. So the last 12 months, I’m going to compare this data.

My Data for the Last 16 Months

So to give you guys an understanding, sorry, I’m pulling up this data. I’ll just do like the last 16 months. So you guys can understand if I could show you this guys, if I could show you the graph, you’d kind of see what’s going on here. But in the last 16 months, I’ve had 261 clicks to my website. I’ve had 58,000 impressions.

So my point in bringing this data to you is that just by taking your podcasts and posting them to your blog, even if you’re just transcribing them, that it’s going to help your SEO continue to grow.

SEO Strategy with my Client

Now, I want to honestly share something with you. I can’t disclose this client by I’m doing this same strategy for another client. And for this particular client in the last three months that I’ve been doing this, the client has got 7,000 clicks, 70,000 impressions, and their ranking has gone through the roof. And that’s just by going through adding them, adding the proper headlines to the website. So after transcribing the blogs.

Summary of Strategy SEO

So my point in bringing this data to you is guys, if you have a podcast, if you have a YouTube video, just shoot it, transcribe it and post it to your website. Now the thing you need to know about SEO, I’m not like SEO expert, but what you need to know is this is going to help your SEO and continue to grow. Especially if you’re like a local listing or something like that, that’s even going to help you even more. So, like I said, guys just wanted to share this little tip with you and hopefully you guys enjoyed.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 119

Thanks guys, for listening to episode one 19, the simple podcast, SEO strategy or content strategy to help you guys get higher ranked higher and get SEO moving in the proper direction. Now, if you guys have any questions about this, feel free to reach out to me or just go to my website, [inaudible] dot com and click on blog, and you can see what I’m doing. So thanks guys for listening.

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