Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 126

Episode one 26 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today, guys, we’re gonna be talking about client expectations. So I want you guys to listen carefully today to this episode, because if you apply some simple expectation things for your clients, I promise you it’s considered a lot of stress and it’s also gonna help you grow and it’s gonna help you tenfold. So let’s not waste any more time guys and dive right in.

Client Expectations

So guys, first off client expectations, I highly recommend you setting up expectations in the very beginning before they pay or right when they pay of what you expect from them and what they expect from you.

1. Create Content

So just to kind of give you guys an example of what I do or some of the expectations I have for clients that I work with is first off and foremost, they actually need to create content. So what do I mean by that? They need to be creating content on a weekly basis about their business or about their product, about their service. And they just need to be getting on video and talking about what’s going on and so forth. The reason why I expect this from my clients is because my goal for that for me, is to generate them leads. The thing is all my marketing is lost of testing.

It’s a lot of trial and error and things like that. So the more content I have, the more ads I can create, the better the results I can actually produce. Now, if the client isn’t creating any content, what am I just supposed to use? Stock images like let’s get real here, guys. The highest converting asset right now online has been video. Yes, you can generate leads with images. I do it all the time, but at the end of the day, more than likely if they’re creating content, video content, you can turn and use this in multiple ways. One, you can use it for ads. Two, you can use it for SEO. If they’re a fixed location. Yeah. You might want to be doing some SEO efforts. And number three, if you’re doing email marketing on top of that, you can use their videos that they’re actually creating for emails and it makes your life way easier and it helps you produce way better results.

2. Follow Up With Their Leads

The second expectation that I always have for my clients is to actually follow up with their leads. Why do we have a relationship? If you’re not following up with your leads? What’s the point here? People, you know, my goal is to generate you leads. And if you’re not following up with them, how do you expect your business to grow? So guys, that is one of the huge expectations that I have for my clients is actually to follow up with the leads.

So I highly recommend, you know, really setting those boundaries in place one. They’re going to take you more seriously, too. They’re actually going to respect your business relationship. I promise you that another expectation you might have is, well, if you need to pay on the first of every month, before the month starts or work doesn’t progress, I don’t know what those expectations are. You might have different expectations with different clients, but I highly recommend guys that you just set some clear expectations.

The reason why I bring this up is because all the relationships that have been terminated that I have ever terminated, or hasn’t worked out in honesty, it’s been because the expectations were not set properly or one of the parties didn’t fully understand the expectations. So really set these expectations in stone. When you first started the client, and I promise you guys, it’s going to make your life 10 times better.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 126

So guys, thanks for listening to episode one 26 clients back stations. Guys, just go set those expectations. I promise you it’s going to help you last but not least. If you guys have questions about other expectations that I set, or if you guys have some expectations that you have always set with your clients, feel free to reach out to me. I would actually like to know because then I can maybe implement those expectations into my own business and I can, we can all grow together. So other than that, guys, don’t forget to go check out my course, if you haven’t yet, other than that guys.

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