Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 128

Episode one 28 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today, guys, we’re gonna be talking about the dynamic creative, so dynamic conversion ads. So I’m calling them versus just conversion ads. So let’s not waste any more time and dive right in.

Dynamic Creative v.s. Conversion Ads

I am actually just testing this for the first time. Um, these dynamic creatives have been out for actually quite some time now why I haven’t tested them since I just, I just haven’t. Um, but I’m testing it right now just to see if like the results are going to be different on my dynamic, creative versus just like my normal ad set up. I used to do just like creating a conversion ad and then creating the ad with headlines and then creating another ad with headlines and so on and so forth.

Toggle Switch with Conversion and Lead Ads

So the truth is I’ve actually been using some of the dynamic creative options. I just haven’t hit that little toggle switch. So basically the toggle switch you can find is under the ad set level, but you’re only gonna find that on conversion ads or lead ads, these, this, um, dynamic creative is not offered on the messenger level. At least I, I have not seen it yet. Who knows? Right. It could be here before we know it, or who knows your dashboard is different than mine, because Facebook is always changing. We all know that.

Dynamic Creative Keeps Ad Account Clean

So anyways, some of the things that I found that I just want to share with you guys, what I’ve seen on my end, um, one of the things I actually really like about the dynamic creative is it’s it keeps your ad account kinda clean.

Dynamic Creative is One Giant Ad

So before, like you, might’ve had a video, you put in five headlines, five body texts and you used a video and then that’s an ad and then you use a different video and you do all the headlines and the texts, and you have like 10 ads sitting there. Right. But what’s cool about the dynamic. Creative is all of that just goes into like one giant ad.

So in my opinion, it just kinda like keeps your ad account, looking a little like cleaner. You have like less crap going on. Um, if that makes any sense. That’s just something that I’ve noticed on my end that I kinda like about it. Um, and then obviously you can go in there and add all of your called actions and test those as well.

Facebook Relevance Scores

Um, the other thing, so one of the things that I haven’t liked about the dynamic creative is as far as like your relevance goes, so in Facebook, you can see all of your relevant scores. Well, it’s not a relevant score anymore. We’ve gone over this, but basically as far as what you, how you see how your ad is performing with the quality ranking and the engagement rate ranking,

Takes Longer for Facebook Relevance Scores to Show

What I’ve noticed is with the dynamic creative is it takes a lot longer for it to show up because there’s so many different variations. And so in all honesty, from what I’ve been spending, I haven’t even seen the quality score even show up yet. So someone might say, well, maybe you’re not selling, learning enough. Who knows? But I haven’t seen the actual like cool wall, like the relevance or the quality ranking score actually pop up.

Split Test Buttons and Call to Actions

And then obviously I kind of touched it a little bit on this, the split test, but I like how I can go in there and add bunch of call to action buttons as well. And the dynamic creative and things like that as well.

Low Disapproval Rate

Um, one of the things I was just thinking about, man, I had an ad get a decent it’s approved yet through the dynamic creative. So I’m actually, if you guys know this, feel free to reach out to me. Cause I’m curious to know, but I D I’ve never seen like how that process works, right? If it gives you like headline, like if it tells you the headlines not approved, like, I don’t know. I haven’t seen that yet. Um, if you guys see that, feel free to reach out to me, I’d be curious to know.

Which One Works Best?

But the true, the true thing, the truth with all of this, with the dynamic conversion ads and stuff is you guys probably want to know which one’s working the best. And honestly, what I’ve seen on my end is it’s the same thus far. I haven’t seen like the dynamic creative toggle button make it. So my cost per lead is way low. Um, so thus far I haven’t seen like a difference.


Um, but all in all, I just recommend that you guys go out there and test them as well and kind of see, see what you guys see on your end. So just like a quick recap, um, of this episode with the dynamic conversion ads and the conversion ads is basically it gives you a cleaner ad account about, um, the relevance doesn’t really show the split, but split testing buttons in my opinion is freaking awesome. And just to remind you guys, you can only do this. If you’re running lead ads or conversion ads, there’s no other op this, this option does not show up in your ad set level. If, if you, if you’re not running these types of ads.

So all in all, yeah, guys go out there, test, I’ll be following up more with once I have more data on the dynamic stuff, if I’m getting better results, even if it’s a slight hint better result, like I said, thus far, it’s basically exactly the same.

And that’s, it could be because before I was doing more of a hybrid dynamic without hitting the checkbox. So just to give you guys an understanding of the way I was running, my conversion ads is I was putting in tons of headlines, tons of texts and a Video. And then I would do a different video with the same headlines, same body text. So I was kind of doing it, but not doing the dynamic toggle button.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 128

So thanks guys for listening to episode one 28, that was all over the place, but I hope this brought value to you guys, as far as this test is going for me and what I’m seeing on my end. Um, if you guys have questions, feel free to reach out to or hit me up that You guys would love to leave me a review on this podcast as well. That will help me grow. Continue to bring you guys more value content like this. So thanks guys for listening and peace.

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