Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 134

Episode, one 34 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today guys, we are going to be talking about what I actually do for work. A lot of times I have family friends, and they don’t fully understand what I do for work. So this episode is for you. So let’s dive in.

What Do I Do For Work?

So guys today, I’m just going to dive in, show you guys my screen a little bit, show you guys some results. So you guys can kind of understand what I actually do for work.

1. Build Website or Converting Leads

So first things first, we are going to go to my website here. It’s called Taylor As you can see here on the site, it says I generate leads and sales for business owners, for businesses with paid ads, strategies, Google paid ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and YouTube ads.

So I create paid traffic. I generate the ads, create the ads and get people more leads and sells. That’s what that website says. Then on top of that, I have my own agency. It’s called marketing life. You can go to marketing And again, basically I write out for you guys what I do for businesses. So step one, I usually build them a website or I build something that actually converts and generates leads for them.

2. Create Paid Ads That Drive Traffic

The second thing I do is I create paid ads that drive traffic and get more conversions. So actually finding people that are interested in your business, and then usually I help them create some sort of followup system that they can follow up with those leads that come in. So the thing is, yes, I generate leads.

3. Business Owner Needs to Follow Up

But then on top of that, the business owner needs to follow up at the end of the day.

Results I Have Created

So first thing I just want to show you guys is some actual results that I’ve actually produced for people. So this is this particular instance, this is a real estate agent. So he’s looking for people that are looking to buy or sell their home. So generally the ads I create for them are people that are interested in purchasing a new home. And as you can see here, I generate leads for them around $6 and 65 cents on this particular campaign. So basically this real estate guy is spending money to get people, to find and search for homes. And then he’s following up with them to see if he can help them find the perfect home for them.

This particular instance, this company sells internet. So what they want is they want phone calls. They want their phone ringing. They want data. They want to find people that are actually looking to purchase internet. Now through Google paid ads and through what’s called call new campaigns, I’ve generated over 6,300 different phone calls for this business, and then they sell internet on the other end. So it’s all about me looking and finding ways to find your perfect target audience. And that’s what I do. I go find them and then I deliver them to you to actually close and sell. So that’s my job is to find them and then your job is to close.

What is Online Marketing?

Awesome. So just to kind of give you guys a simple understanding here, I did a little PowerPoint presentation, so you guys can kind of understand a little bit more what I do. So basically what is online marketing? So all my marketing is brand awareness. You know, like Coca Cola, you see all the commercials all the time. You see Ford’s commercials all the time, Chevy, Dodge, Toyota on TV. That’s actually just brand awareness. It’s creating awareness around their product or service.

How Can I Use Online Marketing?

Spreading your Message with Ads

So I can help do that by putting ads out there on the internet, on Facebook and on Google and on YouTube. So then on top of that, it’s basically spreading a message where I’m spreading your message forward, spreading their message. Coca-Cola’s spreading their message to you by showing you ads on TV or Facebook or Instagram.

Search Engine Optimization

And then on top of that, it can be search engine optimization. I do offer that service, um, but paid ads in my opinion is more important first and then optimization SEO stuff is after that.

What is the main goal of Online Marketing?

And at the end of the day, what is the goal? The goal is getting cells generating leads, meaning it’s, it’s going out there finding people that are interested in your product or service. And at the end of the day where people screw up in my own opinion, some business owners is it’s all about making money. It’s not about just creating ads and putting ads out there or doing things just to put stuff out there. It’s all about making money. Coca-Cola puts ads out because they want to make more money.

Ford creates more ads cause they wanna make more money. Ford releases the new Ford Bronco because they want to make more money. That is the goal. At the end of the day, I know a lot of businesses out there and I’ve seen a lot of businesses out there. They’re the actually like S pay for online services stuff. They generate ads, or they do SEO, but they’re not focused on the end goal and that’s making more money.

What do you need to do online marketing?

1. You need a website and social media presence

So just to kind of give you guys a little visual here of, of how now this kind of works with online marketing, what do you need to actually do online marketing? Basically you need a website, generally speaking, you need a website. There’s ways you can actually run ads with not having a website, but generally speaking, let’s be honest. It’s 2020. You need a website. You need a Facebook page and you need a Google listing depending on your product or service, depends on where you’re actually going to run your ads.

2. Create the content

The second thing that I do is I create the content. So I’ll edit the videos that you guys create or all create some images that we can run some ads with.

3. Ad creation

And then I go out and create the ads. So what that means is I create the ad copy. I create the, the actual like text that says buy now or the body copy that explains your product or service.

4. I spend your money

The fourth thing I do is I spend your money. So you guys pay for your ads and then I actually run those ads across those platforms.

5. Rinse and repeat

And then on top of that, what we do is we actually rinse and repeat. So this is a continual cycle of creating content, creating ads and spending money until it’s dialed in and starts producing the actual results.

Example for Facebook Leads and Sales

That’s how it works. Then on top of that, to give you guys a little visual here over on Facebook live, if you’re watching, if you’re listening, then just listen. But basically there’s a little, there’s four little bubbles here. And what, the first thing that says customer needing your product or service. This is the flow. I go find those people. I put an ad in front of them. I send them to your site, your Facebook page, potentially your Google listing. They fill out a form or they call you directly. And then it’s the business’s job to follow up. That’s what I do.

Lead Generation and Ads

I generate leads and sells for businesses by generating, by creating content and ads that actually work and convert. So in the most simplest terms, I tried to explain this for you guys today here on this episode for my family, friends and potentially business owners, if you guys are looking for these types of services, so if you guys want more, leads more cells, then you contact me and I help you scale your business.

My Case Studies

So just to kind of show you guys some case studies here, um, over on my website, you can check it out. I have some case studies here of things I’ve actually done with businesses to prove that I actually know what I’m doing. Um, you can check them out here. You can also check out our results over here on marketing life. I’m still working on this side. So hopefully you guys are done. Hopefully I’m done with it by the time you guys get here.


But some results that I’ve produced for like addiction, recovery consultants, some e-commerce companies, some real estate. And I still need to update this. And I just showed you guys the internet guys. And I have some pest control guys that I need to go in and add as well. So

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 134

Thanks guys for listening to this episode or watching this episode over on Facebook live. If you guys have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me at [inaudible] dot com or marketing and I’m here to help you guys produce the results that you’re actually wanting. So thanks guys for listening and.

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