Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 145

Episode, one 45 of the marketing life podcast. This is Tara Timothy, your host. And today, guys, we’ll be talking about goals. Now I’m an advocate for goals. I believe we should be setting all the time. And like I said, this episode time pertaining exactly to market marketing strategies, but I do believe for setting goals better online marketer. So let’s not waste any more time.

Goal Categories

So guys, it’s time to start setting goals. Um, how I look at it is I usually personally set goals every year at the new year, and I assess them throughout the year as I go. So in my opinion, 2021 is about to start and it’s time to set some goals.

Why I Set Goals

Now I’m a huge believer in goal setting. If you set goals, I believe they push you as long as you’re constantly following up with them and holding yourself accountable. Um, but I’m a huge believer in setting goals every year. It helps me push myself throughout the year. Sometimes I set new goals throughout the year. I change goals. Um, but my opinion, it’s more about setting goals and continuing to try and grow and progress yourself forward. So in this episode as well, I just want to kind of give you guys a breakdown on how I personally set goals.

1. Spiritual Goals

Now I talk about spiritual goals. Now I’m a believer of a higher power. Whatever your belief system is, that’s not what I’m here to, to change or convert you to whatever, but I believe you should set spiritual goals. Whether that’s meditation, you know, meditating throughout the week throughout the year, I believe could potentially be something important. So whatever spiritually is important to you, maybe if you, your religious belief is to go to church, maybe setting goals, to go to church, maybe a praying to your higher power, whatever that might be spiritually. I believe that you should set spiritual spiritual goals. Now, usually for me, what I do is I set five goals per category. So spiritual, I have five goals a year that I strive to push myself to achieve throughout the year.

Follow Up

Now, like I said, one of the more, most important things is always following up with your goals and your, uh, throughout the year. If you’re not following up, you’re not going to achieve them. So the first category I always say is spiritual.

2. Work Goals

The next thing I set my goals for is work. So I’m a business owner. I’m always wanting to get my business to grow. And what I do for myself is I, again, I set five goals that are gonna allow me to help me achieve my own personal work goals throughout the year.

So some ideas here for work, I might have a income goal I’m trying to achieve. I might have a podcast goal, for example, to create podcasts weekly, um, different things like that. Um, you can set whatever you believe is going to help push your business or work forward. Um, I believe again, you set five goals for this particular category.

3. Self-Improvement Goals

The next category is self-improvement. So I’m believer that you need to be doing things that help you yourself, whether that be a weight goal, whether that be reading, taking a course, um, learning something new. Um, I, again, I set five goals throughout the year, um, every year to help me push myself, um, and how my self-improvement grow.

So one of the things to give you an idea here, I had, um, a reading, a book goal. So one of the things I challenged myself to do was to read books more often, um, whether that be audible sitting down to read, um, and different things like that. So I believe it’s important again, that you’re constantly pushing yourself. And that’s one of the things that I pushed myself to achieve.

4. Couple Goals

And then the last, but not least this, this category depends on your status. Um, whether you’re married or not married, you have a relationship, but I have a personal goal with my wife and we set goals. We set five goals again, to go throughout the year to help us become better as a couple as well.

So an example there, unfortunately, we weren’t able to achieve this, but we had a goal to go to Brazil. So I lived in Brazil for a while and I wanted to go back to where I live. But unfortunately, because of the Corona virus, it did not happen. Um, but some other goals that we had was to refinance our home. Um, and we, and we did that. So I believe again, five goals, um, that you do that.

Remember Your Goals Often

Now, one of the things that I personally did in 2019 that I did not do in 2020 that I want to do is I actually have a built a screensaver with a list of all my goals. And so every time I had my phone out, I would see those goals and was reminded of those goals all the time. So again, like I told you guys, I’m just, uh, I, I’m a believer.

If you set goals, you will achieve them. Um, and how I look at it, well, as well as like, I’m a believer that you shoot for the stars and if you land on the moon, that’s awesome. You accomplish something. So as long as you’re constantly moving forward and not backwards, um, then that’s the goal of setting goals.


Now, there is a balance there of like setting goals, too high. Um, you know, that’s something that you need to assess for yourself. I will say this, don’t be your beat yourself up about your goals, but also just make goals that are going to push you and realize that they’re there to help you versus destroy you. If you let, you can let your goals actually destroy yourself. If you’re pushing yourself, if you’re beating yourself up about not achieving those goals, so set realistic goals, but also shoot for the stars. I’m a firm believer of that.

So I challenge you guys on this podcast, or whoever’s watching this to go out there and set some goals for 2021 and work hard to achieve them. I promise you guys, it’s going to help you push you. I will say, like in 2019, I said some pretty big goals for myself and guess what? I achieved them. I’m a F, like I said, I’m a firm believer. If you set them, it pushes you and maybe you achieve them the following year, but again, you’re moving forward.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 145

So thanks guys for watching this episode and listening to this episode. If you guys have questions, feel free to reach out to If you’re trying to grow your business and you want more leads and sales as well, go ahead, fill out the form on marketing and I’ll basically show you guys. Thanks guys.

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