Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 146

Episode, one 46 in the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. Today guys, we are going to be talking about my marketing predictions for 20, 21 happy years and everyone. And that’s what we’re talking about today. Let’s not waste any more time dive right in.

Marketing Predictions for 2021

Guys, like I said, we’re talking about the predictions that I have for 2021. The truth is they’re probably not that much different than 2020. So in 2020, I made a lot of predictions with everything that would be going on in the marketing industry. In all honesty, they haven’t changed that much because the industry yes is constantly changing, but my belief system hasn’t.

What does it mean to ‘make sure you are doing everything’?

The first thing I want to talk about is making sure that you are doing everything. That is the first thing that I have to say about marketing in 2021. And what does that mean?

Basic Rundown

It basically means that you need ha you need to have a great website. First off and foremost, you have to have a good website. That’s set up properly. You need to be running Google paid ads. You need to be doing Facebook ads. You need to be doing Instagram ads.

You need to be doing SEO. You need to do email marketing. You need to do texting. You need to be doing all of these things, which sounds like a whole bunch of crap, but you need to be doing it because you need to be hitting your audience in many different channels and avenues. Overall, if you want to get the leads and cells that you’re actually looking for.

1. Great Website

Diving a little bit deeper into your website, what are some simple website practices to make sure your website’s set up properly. One, make sure that your website actually loads fast within four seconds. Another belief I have is the five second rule, which you guys have heard me preach about all the time, but make sure when they come to your website immediately, they know what your product and service is because if they don’t, they’re gone. I’m a huge believer in that.

2. Google Paid Ads

Talking about Google paid ads, there’s many ways that you could be running Google, paid ads, there’s display, there’s like GML display, there’s search, there’s call only campaigns. What do I believe you should be doing? You should be going after the search and after the call and the ads. In my own opinion, that’s what you really need to focus on display ads and those things they’re great for branding, but in my own personal experience, they don’t convert that well. That’s like the watered down version of Google paid ads that you should be doing.

3. Facebook and Instagram Ads

Obviously Facebook and Instagram ads fall under the same category. Depending on your business, it might not be your bread and butter to run Facebook and Instagram ads. What I’ve found is the service based industries they need. They can get leads and sells from those channels, but don’t plan on millions of leads coming in.

When you’re a fixed location in a 30 mile radius, running Facebook and Instagram ads, those are crazy expectations, but I’m believer that you should be running those ads in those areas for your business, whether it’s $20 a day, whether it’s $30 a day, you need to be running Facebook and Instagram ads. Even if you’re a service-based business.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The next thing I want to talk about here is SEO. SEO, some people say doesn’t work and some people will say it works. There’s like this black and white with it. And my personal experience, it works. It works from the standpoint of going after a local geo-targeted area. If you’re a brand new company and you sell clothes and you’re trying to market via SEO to the entire world, realize guys, you’re going to be competing against Nike. You’re going to be competing against Adidas.

You’re going to be competing against Victoria’s secret. All those amazing massive clothing brands out there. You’re going to be competing against an SEO. In my own opinion, good luck. You’re going to have to spend millions of dollars to even try and compete against them. The chances are you’re going to have a hard time, but now if you’re a service-based company and you’re targeting in a 30 mile radius, and that’s where you service and everything, a lot of times, SEO can be a huge advantage for you and you can crush your competition pretty quickly.

I cannot promise you and say, you will be on page one in one week. I’ve seen amazing results. After a long period of time, if you’re looking to build a relationship with SEO, it will take care of you. If you are looking for a quickie with SEO, it’s not going to work. Overall, that’s my experience with SEO.

5. Email and Texting Campaigns

Email and texting. How I look at it. You need to be doing this as well. Is when someone fills out a form on your website, or if you’ve made a connection with somebody, you need to add them to your email list and start building your list of people. And this is going to help you. When you release a product, when you have a cell, whatever it might be, you can blast it out and you can probably fill your calendar. If you’re a service-based company, I preach a lot about service-based companies because that’s kind of my niche, but a service-based company.


For example, if they need their calendar filled, they could go. They could go, Oh, well we have 10,000 customers that we want service. Let’s send out a promotion of 25% off to just get their calendar full again and get some sales coming in.

You can leverage your list that way. Now I’ll even talk to you. E-commerce fans out there, you get a new shipment of product in and you could send out an entire shipment. You could probably at least do tons of cells of your new product to your list. If you have that, you could text them. You could email them again. You’re just hitting them in many different ways, shapes and forms.

If you listen to a lot of podcasts out there, they’ll tell you you’ve got to hit people seven to 10 times before they actually become a buyer. And so that’s why I’m a believer. You have to be doing all these things. Maybe you hit them with a Google paid ad, and then you remark to them over on Facebook. The next thing you know, they’re searching over on Google for a product like yours, and you keep popping up.

2021 Marketing Predictions

You’re starting to sell these people on your products and your services as well.

1. Cost of ads will increase

Those are like some of the predictions that obviously I believe obviously cost of ads is continuing to go up as well. Um, with this pandemic or whatever you want to call it, some people might be pulling their advertising dollars and potentially ad costs could go down a little bit, but more than likely, everybody’s starting to spend more money online because everyone’s supposedly stuck at home. Yes, ad costs are going to continue to go up. That’s a prediction that I’ll have every year for a long time. Therefore, they’re never going to get cheaper unless there’s a new ad platforms that come out.

2. Create tons of content

Another thing that I’m going to be predicting is again, you’ve got to be creating tons of content. Creating content on a consistent basis is just going to help people better. Understand you better get to know you better get to know your services and become more likely to purchase your product.

3. Think outside of the box

Last but not least, the last prediction that I’m making is you’ve got to think outside the box. Everybody is, if you watch marketing, what I’ve learned is it kind of goes in this cycle. There’s this trend.

One of the trendy things to do is to create a funny video and everyone laughs at it and now they want to buy your product. But how I look at it is yes, it made a ton of cells. It made the company millions of dollars, but at the end of the day, I want the company that’s going to last years on years on years on years. The reason why I bring that up is you just gotta be thinking outside the box all the time, creating new offers, new deals, new services, and constantly just reinventing yourself over and over again. In conclusion, this is going to help you in 2021, it’s going to help you throughout the rest of your business, entrepreneur life.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 146

That’s going to wrap up this episode guys, episode one 46, my predictions for this coming year, I’m personally super excited for 2021. I have some goals that I’ve said I’m looking to achieve. If you guys are looking for marketing services, such as what I spoke about today, feel free to click on, take this strategy and run with it. And I’m totally fine with that. I’m just looking to help people, help entrepreneurs, help businesses grow, whether that’s doing it through my paid services or just having a chat on the phone. I would love to chat with you guys. Thanks guys for watching this video and peace.

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