Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 150

Episode, one 50 of the marketing life podcast. This is Terry Timothy, your host. And today, guys, I’m just going to give you guys a little life update. This episode’s going to be just a little bit different. Uh, but I kinda want to give you guys a rundown of what’s going on with podcasts. What’s going on with my marketing business and online marketing channel. So let’s not waste any more time and dive right in.

Life Changing Event

So, so guys, thanks for coming today and watching this video and listening to the podcast, if you’re over there on that, on that side of things. But today I just want to tell you guys, one of the huge life updates that I’m having is I’m going to be having a baby boy. Um, my wife’s due in three months, so life could get a little bit different, I guess you could say. Um, and things like that. So just to give you guys a heads up there, I’m going to be having a son soon so that I hear that a life-changing event, let’s say. Um, so I know that’s coming up just to give you guys a heads up there.

Business Update on The Marketing Lyfe Podcast

Um, another thing as far as my business goes, so I geared my entire business towards marketing life. Um, I first started off as tailored, but then realized I need to expand into an agency. And what I’m finding out real quick is that there’s another company out there called life marketing.

So I’m still trying to decide what I should do as far as the podcast goes, if I should rename it to something else. Um, or if I should just leave the podcast the same and then shift over to, um, a different brand for the business. I’m still trying to figure that out. Um, as far as that goes, but I just wanted to give you guys an update there. So, you know, maybe in the future, all of a sudden it’s going to be a different podcast name. Um, just to kind of give you guys a heads up.

Appreciation Shoutout

Now, this next thing I want to show you guys is just kind of give you guys some gratitude. Thanks for listening to this podcast. It’s cool to see how this podcast is growing. Um, it’s obviously been up for 150 episodes now, but it’s, it’s changed. Um, and it’s, it’s grown as well.

The Podcast is Growing!

So I just want to show you guys, if you guys are over on Facebook, uh, basically what’s happened since we published it. We’ve had over 4,200 downloads and realize that some of these stats as well are, are not reflecting from SoundCloud. So when I left SoundCloud, I was at 3000 downloads. So we’re around 7,000 downloads for the podcast and it’s growing it’s, it’s going up and it’s, it’s exciting as well. So just want to give you guys a little update there. So thanks for sharing that. And if you guys enjoy this podcast as well, like please go over and leave me a review so we can continue pushing this podcast up. So, uh, feel free to do that.

Um, fun fact episode one 16 has the most downloads. So if you haven’t listened to that one yet, go check it out.

Has Marketing Evolved?

Um, another thing I want to talk about is just marketing in general and how, how I personally believe marketing has evolved since I started this podcast, since I’ve got into online marketing as a whole, and in all honesty, this same practices for marketing, continue to cycle over and over and over again. And in all honesty, I feel like since day one hasn’t changed that much. Now, yes, the platforms have changed. Uh, the interfaces have changed, um, things, yes, get more expensive potentially, but at the end of the day, it’s all, it’s, it’s the same, the same practices that I’ve been talking about since episode one are the same, and this is I look at it.

The Goal of Online Marketing

So the goal of online marketing is what it’s to get more traffic, to get more leads, to get more sells, or to get more traffic, to get more cells. That is the goal of online marketing. So the tools that are out there such as Google and Facebook, they still optimize for those types of things.

While you’re constantly having to change, you’re constantly having to change ad copy or constantly having to, uh, split tit split test landing pages. You’re constantly having to inform the people out there and educate. So again, it hasn’t changed that much as far as that goes. So I want you guys to remember that, like it’s not rocket science online marketing is not rocket science. So just remember that, that the whole goal of what you’re doing is to create more business. And if you have that mindset, then online marketing really hasn’t changed that much.

The Strategies are the Same

So that’s something I’ve learned on this podcast. I’ve been trying to dive deeper and find more content for you guys and things like that. But the things I was practicing six years ago when I first started are the same practices that I incorporate now. So obviously your ad copy has got to get better and things like that, that’s where you’re constantly evolving is finding better strategies, but all in, all on all the strategies are kind of the same. So that’s just my own personal opinion. That’s my perspective, as far as that goes. So, um, shout out to the Utah jazz baby. I’m a huge jazz fan. If you guys didn’t know that and we are crushing it, hopefully we continue to crush it.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 150

That guys, if you guys need help with all my marketing and things like that, feel free to reach out to me and to or marketing for now, potentially that again, like I said, that could be changing of Nat guys.

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