Ep. 160 What products don’t work on Facebook?
Episode 160 of The Marketing lyfe Podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today guys, we are going to be talking about if there’s products that actually will not work on Facebook. So I get this question all the time, so let’s not waste any more time. And
So the truth is there are some products that don’t work on Facebook. That is the, the answer. And the reason why is because these products don’t follow Facebook ads policy. So there are some restrictions I’ve talked about this on previous podcasts, but you are required to have a thing called legit scripts. If you are selling certain products or services, so you guys can go check them out, Google them legit script.com. Basically there are certain products out there that you have to have legit scripts to advertise on the Facebook platform slash Instagram and Google as well. So right up front, there are some products that absolutely they will not allow if they don’t follow their policy, or if you don’t have legit scripts. Another thing that you have to take into consideration. Now, some people might say certain products like home services and things like that might not work on Facebook, or there might be arguments like that.
Let’s just call it that. And the truth be told with that is they do work in my own opinion. They do work on Facebook. I see, I see leads come in all the time with home services, but the catch 22 or the caveat to it is basically, they’re not always super scalable. So if you’re targeting like a 20 mile radius and you’re trying to spend $500 a day, you’re probably not going to get a return on your ad spend in this situation. So you have to be a little bit more strategic. Um, you have to maybe not spend as much money and you might have to only do remarketing and things like that. So the truth is, as long as your ads are following policy, or if you have legit script certification, then the truth is that yes, it does work. Every product will work on Facebook and Instagram, but you have to be very strategic when it comes to running those types of ads.
Maybe it’s not spending as much as you would like to on your Facebook budget. It might come down to your creative and things like that. So take these things into consideration because I promise you guys, your target audience is on these platforms. Doesn’t matter their age, they’re on these platforms. They keep in touch with their family. If they’re 65 up, like your target audience is on the platform. I promise you that. Now, like I said, it might not be as scalable as you want, but the truth is you can get leads from it. So that’s going to wrap up this episode, episode one 60 of the marketing life podcast. If you guys have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at taylortimothy.com or localdma.com as well. Thanks guys for watching and listening over on that podcast. And we will see you guys soon.
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