Introduction To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 32

Episode 32 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today we’re going to be talking about how to increase your click through rate. So this kind of goes hand in hand with episode 15 we talked about how to increase conversion rates. So if you have allowed some of that one, go check that out. But let’s not waste any more time and dive right in. So how to increase your click through rate. There’s four categories that we’re going to be talking about and I have tips inside of each of these categories. So the first category is Facebook ads. The second one is Google paid ads. The third one is email, the fourth one is blogging. So basically creating blogs.

How To Increase Your CTR With Facebook Ads

So let’s first talk about Facebook first, tip number one for Facebook ads and how to increase your click through rate.

1. Use Emojis To Feature Your Offer

So tip number one is using emojis. So using emojis to highlight offers or highlight ways to get them to stop and scroll. Also, emojis help your ad stand out and look different from everyone else’s. So just a little example here. If you say stop, maybe you highlight the word stop and you put stop signs on the left of it and on the right of the word just to help your ad stand out a little bit. Maybe it’s a remarketing ad and it’s a cell, so maybe you’re using the Emoji of the money sign to highlight the the cell that’s going on. So using emojis to make your ad stand out. Iff, I have found that it helps increase your click through rate, but don’t get too emoji happy if you get to Emoji happy.

A lot of times it make sure ads look spammy as well. So find a find a happy balance with that and use more emojis to help increase your guys’s click through rate.

2. Long Copy

The next thing on a talk about tip number two is long copy. So long copy, there’s long copy and they’re short copy or long copy has more text inside the text area of your ad. So the more texts you put there, at some point you’ll get a little icon inside the ad that says Seymour, and then it will open your ad and show more of the copy inside your ad. So I have found if you do that and have long copy, a lot of times this helps increase your click through rate by, we’ll say you need to test this for your business. So do a test long copy versus short copy to see if that helps increase your click through rate.

3. Using Links Inside Your Ads

The next thing we’re going to talk about is actually using links inside your ad. So inside your ad copy, I always recommend putting the link that you’re trying to drive them to. So at the bottom of your copy, always add a link that’s just going to help increase your click through rate, because now they just have one more place, another place they can click on to go to landing page. So make sure you add links inside your ad. That is tip number three.

4. Get Creative!

Tip number four. This one, you’re going to have to think outside the box, but you gotta have created creative headlines. If you’re not being creative, you’re not going to be speaking to these people. People are on Facebook to have fun. They want to be informed. So make sure you’re being creative inside your headlines. That’s tip number four.

5. Solve The Problem

Tip number five is actually solve a problem. So any of you, your ad copy or any of your offers that you’re creating inside of Facebook, make sure you are actually solving a problem. If you’re not solving a problem, then people aren’t going to be interested in your ads and they’re just going to come across spammy. So that’s tip number five. Make sure you solve a problem.

How To Increase Your CTR With Google Ads

Now we’re going to talk about Google paid ads. So this can be a very, very competitive area. But I will say if you follow these tips, I have seen drastic conversion increase and I’ve also seen a drastic, obviously click through rate increases as well.

1. Use Ad Extensions

So basically talking about Google paid ads, so make sure guys, you’re using all the extensions. I can’t tell you how many ad platform I like, how many Google paid accounts. I’ve seen that people aren’t using all the extensions. Make sure you’re filling out all the information on the extensions and using them. Make sure you using all the call outs. If you’re not using all these, you guys are wasting money here. This is potential increase on click through rates. So make sure you guys are using all the extensions and all the call outs. This is going to help take up more real estate inside of the Google search network when they’re searching and basically just going to help you guys increase that. Click through rate.

2. Use Accurate Keywords

Tip number two, be accurate with your keywords. So what I mean by that is make sure that your keywords are correlating with your actual ads. So if you’re running a campaign on a service based company, we’ll use plumbing as an example. So if it says plumber, make sure you have plumber inside of your keyword and then make sure that your ad also has plumber in it as well. This is also going to help increase your click through rate.  So that is tip number two, be accurate with your keywords.

3. Use As Much Text As Possible

Tip number three, use as much text as possible. So a lot of times people don’t use all the texts that is available. So right now we can use up to 35 characters on headline one on headline too. We can use 35 characters as well. So try and as many characters as possible. Now is it possible to use all 35 yes. Does it happen all the time? No, but again, the rule of thumb is just to make sure, use as much text as possible. And that’s tip number three.

4. Organize Your Ad Accounts

Tip number four is just making sure your guys is ad accounts are very organized. You may say, how is this going to help increase my click through rate? So if you have all of your keywords planned out and you have every ad talking to that specific keyword, that is going to help you guys increase your click through rate. And that’s going to wrap up the Google paid ads section.

How To Increase Your CTR With Email Campaigns

Next thing we’re going to talk about is email.

1. Be Creative and Engaging In Your Email Campaigns

So tip number one is just to be fun and creative guys, so many people are so boring in their ads. They just say, hey, buy my product. Nobody cares. I’m sorry. But nobody cares. Be Fun and creative inside of your emails. And this is going to help you guys increase your click through rates, your open rates over on email and if you’re being fun and creative, again people are going to read them and it’s just going to help you guys out. to

2. Use Emojis To Be More Human In Your Email Campaigns

number two is kind of similar with Facebook but use emojis and your subject headlines. Use emojis in your emails. Um, from my experience emails getting to that point where it’s not professional anymore, it’s about being fun and creative and engaging. I’m talking as if you were talking to someone versus being very formal. So I’m all about being fun and creative inside my emails so make sure you guys are doing that. And that’s going to wrap up Email.

How To Increase Your CTR With Blogging

1. Get Creative With Your Blog

Blogs, baby. Again, blogs is kind of the similar with email and some stuff in Facebook as well, but have creative titles in your blogs. Make sure they’re fun and creative. People like to read fun and creative things.

2. Create Blog Content Centered Around Solving Problems

And then tip number two with the blogs is solves a problem. Make sure you’re blogging about things that are helping people out there solving their problems and this is just going to be beneficial for you guys across the board.


So just a recap here. So Facebook ads use emojis. Tip number two was long copy versus short copy. Go test that out. Make sure you have links inside of your ad copy creative headlines and make sure your ads are solving people’s problems. Google paid ads, make sure you’re using all the extensions and call outs. Make sure you’re accurate with your keywords and your keywords correlate to your ads.

Tip number three was used as much text as possible when creating your paid ads. Again, use try and use all the characters available and then making sure your ad account is organized. Make sure, like I said, everything correlates to everything that keyword talks about that add email recap, fun and creative. Use emojis in your subject headline and in the blogs, creative titles and make sure you’re blogging and talking about things that solve people’s problems.

And that’s going to wrap up episode 32 hope this helps you guys increase those click through rates.Thanks guys for listening to episode number 32 of the marketing life podcast, how to increase your click through rate. If you guys don’t know a click through rate is, I realize I didn’t talk about this at the beginning of basically it’s the percentage of people clicking on your ads or clicking on your emails or clicking on your blogs. The higher the click through rate, the higher conversion you guys are going to get to.

If you guys have questions about how to increase this or you have more questions about this podcast, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to help and please guys go leave me a review over on iTunes or over on Spotify wherever you guys are listening to this podcast. It just helps me grow and get out there and help more marketers get better results. Again, just a reminder, the course is up, it’s going and people are loving it, so if you guys have questions about that, go over and check it out. The link is in the description and peace.

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