Introduction To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 39

Episode 39 of the marketing life podcasts. This is Taylor Timothy, your host, and today we’re going to be talking about how to become an online marketer. Reason why I bring this episode up is I get lots of questions. How do you work from home? How did you start doing that? And basically in this episode, I’m going to break down for you guys what you need to do to become an online marketer.

1. Learn How To Build A Website

First thing that we’re going to talk about today with how to become an online marketer is you guys need to learn how to build a website. So there’s two reasons why you need to learn how to build a website.

A Place To Showcase Your Business

There’s many more, but two that I have down is you need a place to showcase yourself. You actually need to be able to show the client you’re trying to go get the, you actually know how to build a website possibly. And then you can showcase your data and show him the you know how to produce results. So you need a place to showcase yourself.

Paid Guy VS SEO Guy

The second reason why with learning how to build a website is a lot of times there’s a huge disconnect with the web guy and the paid guy or the Seo guy and the web guy. The reason why I bring this up is a while back I was running paid traffic for a company and I was the paid guy and they had a web guy and there was always this back and forth between this is what I need on my landing page, I need these pixels implemented.

Different things like that. And there’s always this huge disconnect and there’s just this back and forth and I never got what I wanted. So the reason why, if you have full control of the website, you have your system in place, you can go in, make all your landing page changes and tweaks super fast. The website functions well, and then what happens is that you also now bring more value to the client because now you’re his web guy and you’re his paid guys.

No Need To Custom Code

Well. So I always recommend to learn how to build a website. Now when I say build a website, guys, you don’t need to custom code. There is so many website themes out there. I’ve talked about this in so many different episodes, but you can build a wordpress website that convert people and I promise you it works. I’ve been doing it for a long time now and it works. So just learn how to build a website that works, functions and converts people.

2. Create Valuable Content

The second thing is creating content. So there’s so many different forms of content out there. You have videos, podcasts, blogging, etc. There’s so many different forms of content, but you need to learn how to create content to one, at least showcase yourself and show that you your data to the person you’re trying to close so you can become his personal marketer or maybe you’re going to create for this client, it’s going to be a part of your package.


So one of the things is with videos, a lot of times the phone works, guys, it’s something you might have to test. But a lot of times phone testimonial videos is one of the, a great way to showcase yourself and that people trust in you and rely on you.


Obviously podcast shows and brings tons of value. If you’re starting a podcast and can educate tons of people about online marketing, it’s going to bring a lot of validity also for your client. Maybe you’re going to edit his podcasts and you’re going to help run paid traffic to these podcasts as well.


And then blogging and writing different things like that. Maybe the client wants to rank with Seo. So if you could create content as well. It’s one of the big things and a big ways you can bring value to yourself and to the clients. So creating content is number two.

3. How To Generate Leads

The third thing is you need to know how to generate leads. So there’s different ways you can generate leads, organic paid ads, emails. I also added landing pages as well cause you need to know how the landing pages, we’ll actually generate the leads.

Organic Leads

So organics through search engine. So maybe you want to get into Seo, learn SEO and start ranking higher on Google.

Paid Ads

Paid ads, you have Facebook ads, YouTube bad, uh, you have being ads.

Email Marketing

There’s so many different forms of pay that email marketing, how to get people to open those emails through clicks and through all those different ways.

Landing Pages

And then you have landing pages that you need to know how to create landing pages that actually convert.

So the reason why you need to know how to generate leads people is because this is what the client wants. The client wants more leads and they want more cells coming into their business. If they don’t feel like you are bringing that value to them, your job is going to be lost. They’re going to fire you at some point, more than likely. So I always recommend that you know how to actually generate these leads for the clients and you’re going to bring tons more value to them in the long run.

4. Tracking Your Data with Analytics and Tools

The fourth thing is actually tracking that data. So maybe you’re doing SEO, you need to know and be able to show the client that they are ranking where they’re supposed to be ranking with paid ads. You need to be able to show them that the ads are actually working, the emails are working, the landing pages are working.

So you need to know how to track that data, implement analytics, webmaster tools, and all the pixels that need to go along with that.

5. Analyzing the Data

The fifth thing is actually analyzing the data. So making adjustments to your paid ads.

Knowing Your KPI’s

You need to know what KPIs you need to be hitting for this client and deliver that back to the client as well. So back on 24 I talk about the lifetime value of the customer and campaign KPIs. So back on 24 I talk about the Kpis. I recommend that you guys go and hit and and try and target for your clients or for yourself. So that’s a fifth thing though. You need to know how to analyze the data.

6. Try Again, Again, and Again

The sixth thing is do it again and again and again. So creating more content you then you’re going to run more paid traffic and then you’re going to analyze that data. It’s, it’s this never ending cycle on my marketing is a constant uphill battle campaigns. We’ll start crushing it. You’ll be running like a freaking gazelle. And the next thing you know, your campaigns die and you have to restart and continue that process again and again and again.

7. Work For Free To Gain Experience

So one of the big things that I do want to talk about in this episode is with how to become an online marketer is what would I do if I knew absolutely nothing?

Again, I’d go back through, learn how to build a website, creating content. I’d learn how to generate leads, track that, analyze that and do it again.

But now it’s like OK, I have zero clients in my bag. I have to start from scratch. I have, I’ve never built a website, I’ve never done anything. So first thing, obviously I’m going to tell you to buy my course or start googling and YouTube being like crazy and figuring out how to do it.

Build A Website

So once you figure out how to do these things, I would then go to a client, go find some guy that has a crappy website and say, I’ll build your website for free. And he’s going to probably say, why do you want to build it for free? Just explain to him that you’re wanting to get into all my marketing and you know for a fact that you can help him and build his company and get him more leads and sells by building him a better website.

Use Paid Ads

So build him a website, then go to him and say, let me run some paid ads. I’ve taken this course or I’ve googled the crap out of it and now I know how to run traffic. Let’s start running traffic for your business. Just give me 20 bucks a day and I will run everything for free. Then now you start having data. You can show people you know how to run ads, you can start making adjustments to your campaigns and you can start this process.

Show Your Clients Data

So the thing is with online marketing or with becoming a freelancer, anything, you have to be able to show people that you know what you’re doing and you have to be able to show them data.

Prove Yourself

So the thing is, what’s hard about this is if you’re starting off fresh and have zero background, zero history, you’re going to have to work for free for a little bit. And then once you’ve proven yourself, you can start charging people and you can start getting ball rolling.

So that’s going to wrap up episode 39 of the marketing life podcast, how to become an online marketer.

Conclusion To Ep. 39 How To Become An Online Marketer

So guys, thanks for listening to episode 39 of the marketing life podcast.

Just a rundown on how to become an online marketer. Learn how to build a website, create content, generate leads, track that data, analyze that data and do it again and again. And again. If you’re starting off as an online marketer from scratch, go find some guys. Start working free for a little bit. I recommend five to 10 clients that you work for free, build their websites, get them up and running, and prove that you can build a killer website for these people.

You know, just becoming an online marketer. If you can just build websites, you can start a business just by building websites for these people and then you can start diving into the paid stuff. So I recommend biting this off a little bit at a time. Start building websites, start creating content, start running paid traffic, and then you can start running into tracking the data, analyzing the data, and continuing down that slope. A snowball effect, I would call it.

So thanks guys for listening to episode 39 if you guys want to go check out my course, it’s in the description, but it literally teaches you guys everything I know from start to finish my entire process. And it’s a lifetime purchase. It’s a onetime purchase to 30 day money back guarantee, and I’m here to help. So thanks guys for listening and peace.

1. Learn How To Build A Website
-You Need A Place To Show case
-Disconnect with web guy and paid guy
2. Creating Content
3. You Need To Learn How To Generate Leads
-Paid Ads
-Landing Pages
4. Track The Data
-Webmaster tools
5. Analyze The data
-know your KPI’s
6. Do it again again

7. Work For Free
-Build A website

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