Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 65

Episode 65 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor, Timothy, your host. And today guys, we’re gonna be talking about at what point should you actually hire an online marker? Let’s not waste any more time and dive right in.

What Is My Long Term Goal?

So one of the first questions I tell people to ask themselves if they should hire an online marketer is: what is their long term goal? So a lot of times, I’ve met with people and talked with people and they’re completely content and satisfied with what’s going on in their business. they don’t really want to grow that much more. And in my own opinion, at that point, why would you hire an online marketer then? Because basically you just got to keep doing what you’re doing and don’t need to really expand or try and grow your company.

So you really don’t need an online marketer. Now if you’re looking to two X three X and really take your business to the next level, you’re probably going to need an online marketing system in place. So whether that’s hiring or hiring a marketer, whether that’s hiring an agency, whatever works for your business model, but you got to realize if you really want to grow a lot, you’re going to have to have an online system in place.

Do You Have An Onboarding Process In Place?

The second question we’re going to talk about is do you actually have an onboarding process? The reason why I bring this up is a lot of times companies will go hire agencies or marketers, they’ll bring them on and they’ll start driving traffic to their site. They will start getting leads and sells for the business, but they don’t have an onboarding system in place. And now they start getting bad reviews online. And the next thing you know, you’re getting three star reviews, two star reviews, and your company looks bad, even though your product might be amazing.

So this can technically hurt your business in the long run. If you hire a marketer and they start driving leads and sells, and the next thing you know, you actually don’t have an onboarding process with this. So look at that and decide if your onboarding process is actually dialed in and it’s ready to rock and roll. if you’re questioning it. And if you’re questioning your onboarding process, maybe you need to hire a marketer but not spend tons of money and slowly start scaling your business as well. So just take a look at that. You know, decide how your onboarding process is and if it’s actually in place.

Is Someone Following Up With Leads?

The third thing we want to talk about is someone following up with the leads. So this is one of the biggest frustrations that marketers can deal with. They can be hired on, they can start driving all these leads in and nobody’s trying to close them.

Need Authenticity

Um, yes, you can have this proper system and systems in place such as lead follow up with your email sequences. You can have your messages do remarketing ads, the list goes on and on of how an online marketer can actually follow up. But at the end of the day, a lot of times these people need the authenticity side of things they need to talk someone with on the phone. They need to feel like a real person is actually selling them this product or service.


I found this in a lot of industries. Some people might say, well, if you’re online marketing’s perfect, then you don’t need any followup such as phone calls and things like that. But I’ll debate that all day long. So basically the reason why I bring this up as well as I worked with a company a couple of years ago and basically we, I had driven over a thousand leads to this company and he had not called a single soul. Um, what is the point of hiring a online marketer at that point?

So make sure that someone’s following up with the leads. I highly recommend you know that they’re actually texting, emailing, and calling them on the phone. This can make a huge difference in your online marketing campaigns. Okay.

What Is Your Budget?

The fourth thing I want to talk about is what is your budget? So if you have an online marketing budget of like $200, you probably aren’t in a situation to hire an online marketer. You might want to take that to $200 and go try and learn how to run ads. $500 you still might want to learn how to run ads.

Retainer and Ad Spend

Most agencies and most marketers are going to charge you anywhere from 1500 up per month if you’re doing a retainer. If you’re doing cost per result, they’re going to be looking for 10% plus if you’re looking at a percentage of ad spend, again, most companies that work on that retainer base, like on percentage of ad spend, it’s going. they’re going to require you to spend $10,000 or more because it’s not worth their time to go in there and set up the ads. So you have to realize like, what is your budget?

You May Not Be Getting The Bang For Your Buck

Um, as far as your online marketing stuff goes, I will say anybody that’s charging you $300 a month to do stuff, they’re probably just getting into the game and you have to realize that you may not be getting the results that you want to get right up front. So props to these guys for going out there hustling and trying to make those cells happen from online efforts, but the truth is they might not know what they’re doing. I will say I was at that point at one time, but if you’re in a situation that you want to give someone an opportunity to grow and learn how to do these things, then this could be a perfect setup for you.

Am I A Start Up?

The next question I want to talk about is am I a start up so that the truth is with online marketing, most of the time startups are the hardest things to work with. Reason why they don’t have a lot of budget and they don’t have a lot of brand awareness. They have a lot of nothing going for them at this point.

Yes, they may have a killer product or service, but it might take a while for this company to get moving. the thing is we’re online marketing takes time. A lot of times, again, you might be better off doing your little hustle, knocking doors, making cold calls to really start getting more leads and sales for your business. And then once your company gets to that point, then you can look at maybe going and hiring an online marketing company.

Am I Hiring To Save My Company?

The sixth thing I want to talk about is am I hiring them to save my company? So I’ve worked with companies before where they’ve come to me and they’re going, Hey, we need more leads and cells. And the thing is, is they’re hiring us because they’re on their last leg. And they’re like, well, if this doesn’t work, then I guess we’re out. So the reason why I bring this up is a lot of times you have to give, again, these companies time.

online marketing companies, if, if they’re telling you that they can save your company in a month, in my opinion, they’re full of crap. So you need to look and assess these things. Like, am I hiring these guys just to save me or am I trying to hire these guys to help scale my business? So I have seen agencies save companies, but you’ve got to have a longer term play. You gotta give these guys, you know, three to six months to really get things set in place. And really start pushing these things.

And then on top of that, you’re going to have to give them budgets as well. So the list kind of goes on and on here with at what point are you ready to hire an online marketer? But these are some questions that I just recommend that you ask yourself before you’re reaching out and working with an online marketing agency or working with a freelancer or whoever you’re looking to hire for an online marketer. These are some questions that I recommend that you ask.

Conclusion To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 65

Thanks guys for listening to episode 65 of the marketing and life podcast. At what point should you guys actually hire an online marketer? So take these things into consideration. Guys. If you’re looking to hire an online marketer such as myself or anybody such like me, maybe these guys don’t have the proper systems in place when it comes to online marketing.

So I would recommend that you go over and check out my online marketing course where I teach from start to finish my entire process on how to build your website, how to implement Facebook ads, YouTube ads, Google paid ads, email marketing, literally the entire online marketing system that needs to be implemented so you can start scaling your business. Maybe you need to purchase this thing so you can give it to your online marketer that you’re hiring or your intern. The list goes on and on. So go over there and check that out. Other than that, hope you guys have a great day and peace.

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