Introduction To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 68
Episode 68 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy your host. And today guys, we’re gonna be talking about Google paid ad changes in 2019 and some of the changes that are going to be coming up here in October and that October and there too. So it’s always spending more time dive right now.
Changes For Google Paid Ads
Accelerated Delivery
So the first thing I want to talk about is accelerated delivery. How do I feel about this changing and honesty? That is one of the things I use all the time. And in all honesty, it’s helped me produce a lot of results. So I, I’ve always set my campaigns, take accelerated delivery and so I’ve never really had the opportunity to test accelerated versus standard. So we’ll see how that affects my results.
So overall, um, I’ve been doing accelerated delivery all the time, every time, every campaign. So I’m a little heartbroken about that one. So keep your eye out on that. Accelerated delivery is going away.
Position Ranking
Second thing I want to talk about is the position ranking. So Facebook just recently did theirs, you know, getting rid of the quality score position ranking isn’t the quality score or the relevance score, but I personally liked the position ranking.
So basically the position ranking did was it allowed you to see kind of where your ads were ranking over on Google ads. So basically you knew if you’re in the hitting the one spot to spot the three spot, um, and you’d get some sort of score. So sometimes your, it would show that your keyword in this area and everything was positioned at like 1.7 so you know that a lot of times you’re hitting that one spot, but you’re technically leaning more towards the second spot.
I’m sure that Google’s going to come out and you know, give us something else. Obviously there’s a lot of other metrics out there that kind of explain this to us, but definitely we’re seeing some changes over there on the Google paid ad platform across the board. But those are the two things that I wanted to talk about today and some of the changes happening on Google paid ads.
Conclusion To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 68
Thanks guys for listening to episode 68 of the marketing life podcast. Just so you guys know, you guys got to stay up to date with these platforms. The moment you get out of them, the moment they change so much that you’re kind of lost. So make sure guys that you’re all constantly staying up on changes that are going on frost. Other than that, guys, don’t forget to go over and check out my online marketing master course notes, which you guys, everything from start to finish on how to generate more leads and sells for your business. This process is a proven process.
Guys, I’ve implemented it for the last five years, and guess what? It’s helping multiple companies, two and three X their businesses. So if you guys were looking to scale and get more leads, more sales, and to X your business, go over and check out my online marketing mastery course. 30 day money back guarantee. You don’t like it. I didn’t your money. Thanks guys for listening to this episode 68 and peace.
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