Introduction to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 84

Episode 84 of the marketing life podcast. This is Taylor Timothy, your host. And today guys, I’m gonna be sharing with you my website creation checklist. So all those things that you need to have when creating a website from start to finish. So you guys want to download this, it’s in the link a map. Let’s dive in.

Think Of The End Goal

So guys, as far as the website creation goes, one thing I want you guys all to know when it comes to your website, it is the end goal. Realize that you want all of your customers to go to your website and buy your products. So a lot of people get caught up with followers and things like that.

But my true question is how many buyers are they? How many buyers do you have on your list? So that’s why I talk about your website and why I feel like it’s super important that you drive all of your traffic to your website. So guys, let’s talk about the website creation checklist. As far as the website creation checklist goes, what I want you guys to realize is the goal of your website is to convert customers into buyers. So a lot of people get caught up with how many followers do I have and things like that.

But my question is, how many buyers do you have? How many buyers do you have coming to your website? And things like that. It’s all about the buyers and actually making the sell. So focus on the end goal when it comes to your website.

Website Creation Checklist

Setting Up Your Site

So going through this checklist here, setting up your site.

Pick A Domain

So if you’re like starting from scratch, you know, obviously you’re gonna pick a domain. And I always recommend dotcoms. There’s those and things like that. But all in all, I’m all about those dot-coms. It’s just my own personal opinion and my own personal preference. So I just, I feel like people are still in the transition of all those other things. And if you’re like, Hey, my website’s dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. Dot us people are going to be like, what? Or dot. Marketing like people have yet to fully adapt to that. And so that’s where I’m still pushing the dotcoms.


The next thing you’re gonna pick is your web host. So you have your domain and then you have your web host. A host is like the server and I recommend WP engine. If you’re doing a WordPress website, in my opinion, it’s the best hosting, best out dah, dah, dah.


I’m not going to sit here and preach it, but that’s who I pick and that’s how I use the next thing is find a theme that works. So there’s tons of themes out there you can buy. There’s like thrive, there’s DV, there’s some that I don’t even know yet, but figure out what works best for you and what you can create over and over again without custom coding as well. The goal is to find a theme that can do everything that you need and want it to do without having to custom code. And on top of that, I promise you, if you spend money on a theme, it’s going to save you a lot of time and a lot of money.

Create Consistent Feel

The next thing you need to do is create a consistent feel. So you guys hear me preach this a lot, you know, not too many colors, same buttons, same different thing like that. But figure out how you can create a consistent feel across the board. You don’t want to go from one page to another page and be like, am I still on the same website? So make sure everything stays consistent across the board.

The Goal is to Convert

And so one of the things I always say is like the goal, like I said at the beginning, the goal is to convert, not look sexy. Like if your website looks sexy and it doesn’t convert, like what’s the point? Do you want a, a car that starts every time and drives you to the down the street and back all the freaking time? Or do you want a car that looks really sexy but you can’t even start it? Right? So what’s the point? So like I said, the goal of your website is to convert.

Google Paid Ad Pixels

So some things that you need on your website is you need to have pixels. You need to have.

Tools For Your Website

Make sure you have like webmaster tools, the Facebook pixel, the Google paid ads pixel. If you are doing that, Google analytics, make sure you have all of those pixels and codes and your header of your website.

Social Proof On Your Site

The next thing is to ensure that you have social proof on your site. You know I talk about social proof a lot. Make sure you have those testimonials on your website. Guys, if you don’t have testimonials yet, the one thing I was recommend go work for free until you at least have four to six different testimonials that you can put on your website, people that actually love you.

Setting Up Your Blog

Next thing, set up your blog, so if you’re going to be doing a blog, make sure you get that sucker set up.

Site Map Link in Footer

The next thing I always do is put the site map link in my footer. That’s just a little SEO tip I’ve heard that you need to do is make sure you have your sitemap in the footer of your website.

Create Conversions in Google Analytics and Facebook

The next thing you need to do is create conversions in Google analytics and Facebook. So if you don’t have these conversions set up properly, you need to know because this is how you’re going to track how your website’s working and how it’s performing.

Link Social Media Accounts

So the next thing I always say is the little things and you’re like, what does that mean? What are the little things I promise you guys, phone number, email, and you need a link to your social media accounts. So the reason why I say all these things is because I have gone to websites before and I can’t find a freaking phone number to call if I want to call him, right?

Maybe I don’t want to fill out a form, I need an email. Maybe I just want to send them an email. Make sure that those things are visible on the website and have people can get easy access to if they go to your contact page and make sure your phone numbers are visible with the, with your email.

Why Should You Link Your Social Media Accounts?

And the reason why I say linked to your social media accounts, because I talk about, you know, the goal is to convert people on your website. The truth is, the reason why you should link to your social media account is just to show that you’re legit. You’re like real, right? So a lot of times people won’t link to their social media accounts and if they can’t find them, sometimes people are like, is this company even rail? So it’s just a way that you can create validity for yourself.

Setting Up Your Website For Lead Generation

The next thing is setting up your website for lead generation. So a lot of times people set up their websites the way they think, the way they want and things like that. But the truth is you need to set it up for the [inaudible], the customer.

Make It For User Experience

Your site needs to be, um, designated, designed around your customer and making the user experience work.

Free Offers and Incentives

So the reason why I bring this up is a lot of people don’t give stuff away for free. So I preach it all the time, guys. eBooks, guides, audits, videos, pictures, you need to have different offers that you can give to these people when they come to your website.

Redirect to Thank You Pages

The other thing is you need to redirect all of your opt-ins to thank you pages. You need to link your opt in forms to your CRM and then you need to make sure you’re nurturing them after they come through and download those different things.

So those four things are the most important thing that you can be doing on your website is setting that sucker up for lead generation and giving people free stuff and then tracking it. So a lot of times people are like, well, I created, I created an offer and it didn’t work. So I stopped doing it and I’m like, how in times, how many offers did you create? L I just created one and it didn’t work. Well, welcome to online marketing, dude.

Patience and Testing

The thing is online marketing takes time and testing and a lot of testing and I promise guys that it works. Like I’ve seen it work for me and I promise you guys, if you implement it into your business, it will work. It’s, it’s being persistent and it’s willing to fail and try and try again. That’s the beauty about online marketing. So set that website up for lead generation. So here’s just a couple of things that can help.

Facebook Chat Bot

Um, some people like the Facebook messenger chat bot thing, you can put that on your website, pops up in the right hand side and it links to messenger and people can chat with you, um, directly if they decide to message you that way.

Proper Title and Description

The other thing, things that can help as well as far as like SEO goes, just make sure you have like proper title and descriptions on your page and make sure, make sure your website’s actually set up for those types of things.

Run A and B Testing

The other thing is things that are going to help in the long run is AB testing. So creating other landing pages that you can test against against each other.

Submit Your Webmaster Index

Submit your web master index. So basically inside a webmaster tools you can link and give Google webmaster tools all of your site.

Set Up Your SEO

Um, basically your site map and you can start indexing your website for SEO type stuff.


And some simple plugins that I use on my websites is Yoast and WP smush. So Dios basically helps link up your website to Google webmaster tools. There’s a million ways you can connect it, but yeah.

Optimizing Your Images

And then following that you have WP smush that can help basically smush your images and optimize your images for you. And last but not least, guys, the little test I use for when I use website creation, uh, there’s a website that’s called developers dot. backslash speed back slash page speed, back slash insights. That’s a mouthful. Just Google it.

Optimize Your Website

Um, but basically it’s a tool that you guys can use that Google offers, um, that lets you see how well your site is on, in their eyes as far as mobile optimization and desktop optimization as well.

Um, is this tool perfect? Honestly, no. Um, I see it very all the time in different locations, different if I’m at Starbucks or my parents’ house, like the speeds are always different. But for me, I just use it as a tool to kind of gauge what’s going on. And I’ve yet to see a perfect hundred score. So I, like I said, I use it is just kind of a reference and I always shoot for a 70 plus score. So on mobile and desktop. So go check that out when she built out your website and see what you need to do to optimize your site just a little bit better.

Conclusion to the Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 84

So thanks guys for listening to episode 84 the website creation checklist. Guys, if you don’t have a website yet, welcome to 2019 you need a website. They’re super easy to create. I promise you, you take my [inaudible], of course, you can have your website up easily, 24 hours if you put your mind to it. So it’s one of those things that I believe every business should have. Every person that is an entrepreneur should have their own website with their own domain name. For example, I’m [inaudible] dot com if you’re John DOE, you should have John if you can. Um, but it’s just one of those things that you need to have for you and your business. So thanks guys for listening to episode 84 and peace.

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