Introduction To The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 37
Episode 37 of the marketing life podcast. Guys, today we have some more changes that we’re going to be talking about with Facebook in 2019 so we have some more changes that I have found that have happened to the platform. Some of them big, some of them not that big. So I want to keep you guys on top of these changes because if you’re not staying on top of the changes, you’re going to fall behind real quick. So let’s dive into this episode and learn about some more changes that are happening in 2019.
so going back to episode 27 just to recap and a reminder about episode 27 I talked about one of the big changes that was happening. We were going to budget optimization on the campaign level and go back and listen to that episode. But that’s just a reminder of a change in 2019
Audiences Inside Of Facebook
but looking at some new changes, basically I just call them out as I see him and hear underneath audiences inside of Facebook audiences where you go out and build your audiences under custom audiences. Basically just the look and feel of it changed. It looks prettier. So go check it out. I say props to Facebook on this, it looks cleaner, it looks more user friendly. So definitely a good change there with creating your custom audiences.
Relevance Score
But the one change that I am seeing here that I am questioning guys, I don’t know how much I like this. There’s things I like about it and things I don’t. So recently I saw this change, I’ve across some of my ad accounts and some of them didn’t change and finally everything has changed across the board. So while we’re going to be talking about here is the relevance score. So Facebook has done away from what I see on my end with the relevant score. So it used to rate your ad one through 10 on the quality of your ad and how it was being performing across the board.
But now they’ve gone in and chopped it up into three things: quality ranking, engagement rate rating and conversion rate rating. So the only thing I request is just this number comes back just because, I’m a numbers guy and it would be great if they also give us our number as well. But the break these down for you guys.
1. Quality Ranking
Quality ranking. So this is what Facebook defines it as the quality ranking. You guys can go in your ad account and hover over these and read them as well, but I’ll read them to you. So a ranking of your ads perceive quality, quality is measured using feedback on your ads and the post click experience. Your ad is ranked against ads, they competed for the same audience.
So basically what their rate rating you on is just basically are people clicking that ad you’re going to get a quality rating. If people are also saying, hi, this ad, I don’t like it, then you’re, your quality ranking is going to go down. So you have to watch out for that. So basically the rake, their rating you on that. And then there they broke these down into different tiers. So you’re going to see a thing that says above average, average, below average bottom 35% of ads. And then the next one’s below average bottom 20% of ads. And the next one’s below average bottom 10% of ads. So they’re showing you basically where you’re ranking inside of against your competitors on your quality ranking.
2. Engagement Rate
They’ll do the same on your about engagement rate ranking. So basically this is the engagement rate. So a ranking of your ads, expected engagement rate engagement includes all clicks, likes, comments and shares. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience.
So basically to give you a breakthrough or a rundown, basically if people are liking, commenting and sharing, you’re going to get a higher ranking there. So basically the ranking goes as well as the same. So number one is above average, two is average, three is below average, bottom 35% of ads, fourth is below average bottom, 20% of ads and five is below average bottom 10% of ads. So this is kind of broke down differently on the quality score or relevant score on Facebook.
3. Conversion Rate Ranking
And last but not least, the one we’re going to go over his conversion rate ranking. So a ranking of your ads, expected conversion rate, your ad is ranked against ads with optimization goal that competed for the same audiences.
So basically this is going to be talking a little bit about your landing page and telling you how well your landing pages set up on, on their end. So again, they’re breaking breaks down again. Number one, above average to average three below average, bottom 35% of ads. The third one is below average bottom 20% of ads and the last and final one is below average bottom 10% of ads. So they go through, they break down your ads that way instead of giving you a number.
So I really wish the number would come back. If you’re listening Facebook, please bring that number back. You can incorporate these things as well, but it was just kind of Nice to have a number to kind of see your overall score, um, as far as that goes.
Conclusion Ep. 37 New Facebook Ad Account Changes In 2019
So that’s going to wrap up episode 37 of the marketing life podcasts. If you guys have any questions or if you guys are seeing changes on your end, shoot me a DM. I will create a new episode for you guys to keep you guys updated on, on all the changes that are going on with Facebook. Don’t forget to hit that like subscribe button and peace.
Thanks guys for listening to episode 37 of the marketing life podcasts. So the new Facebook ad account changes in 2019 you gotta stay on top of these guys with online marketing. I kid you guys, not every time I log into a new platform I feel like I see something new that has changed. So make sure you guys are staying on top of those. I will try and deliver all the changes I’m seeing across the board all the time. So hit that subscribe button if you guys are wanting to learn my process from start to finish, how to build your website, how to implement Facebook ads, paid ads, email marketing, the whole Shebang with online marketing.
Go check out my course. I also have a brief course that you can get a little sneak peek, so don’t forget to hit that. Subscribe I button and peace.
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